Or Redecorating Your Existing Space
The best part of moving or redecorating is establishing your new little world. It’s SO tempting to go to IKEA or West Elm and buy everything you can fit into the car (and more). Trust me, I’m still right there with you. Here are some suggestions for making a space you love while keeping the environment in mind:
- Go to all those stores and browse to find items you really like – take tons of photos!
- In the few months before (if you’re able) or after your move, browse the sites you’re selling on, like FBM or Craigslist, to see if you can find them or something similar for sale secondhand. If you’re an IKEA fan, this tends to be pretty easy. I found two IKEA side tables that I loved being sold for $20 less on FBM in (almost) new condition just a few miles away. Nothing that couldn’t be fixed up to look good as new. I feel good about saving money and resources.
- Take your time looking for pieces that you don’t need right away. You’ll have a better chance finding it secondhand if you give it a few weeks. Plus, it will help you think about what you really need and want. You may realize life is just fine without it or that you really do want it, which may make you value it more. You’re just curating your collection!
- If you’re buying new (or even buying used!), think of how you’ll get rid of it when it reaches the end of its life or when you just don’t need or want it anymore. This will nudge you to make a plan and may actually steer you away from buying if you realize it’s not worth it.
- Break the stigma around buying secondhand! If we all only ever bought new, where would all our used junk go? It’s not practical. I understand there may be things we don’t want to buy used for hygiene reasons, but there’s plenty that can be sanitized and used again very easily.